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Signed, Anonymous

Seems the anonymity post from last week set off a conflagration of insults on WWW. Well, actually just three. But I deleted them. My blog remember? Listen folks, a little sarcasm goes along way; profanity validates my argument.

My intent was to start a dialog – pro and con - on the issue of online anonymity. Apparently folks around here don't think it's much of an issue? Could be the infamous Wusta apathetic mindset kicking in again?

How can that be? Wusta's an intellectual town right? Got twelve institutes of higher education around here, there’s gotta be plenty of folks talking and debating social issues, politics, online anonymity, etc. Alas, this being Wusta, it’s usually only about potholes, greasy spoons, or Sarah Palin's boob job.

Not one person came forward to make an rational argument against online anonymity. Not one. If you recall, I publicly challenged Bogus Bill Randell to a keyboard duel - he never showed up. What does that say about Bogus Bill? Is Bogus Bill a coward? Me thinks Bogus Bill just took a wrong turn on the internet highway. 

And last week in the T&G, Dianne Williamson wrote about Jeff Gonzo Barnard. Not a pretty picture - he's an old hippy. I knew it! But that’s not the point. What was, is that an anonymous commenter deftly defended Gonzo as a "brave blogger": A local blogger brave enough to put his name behind  his posts and not cower behind an anonymous blogger label... signed,  on Anon on Anon... Clever huh? Even Gonzo's supplicants don't have the smarts to use a fake John Q. Citizen moniker to at least create a semblance of credibility.

So it's about bravery eh? Gonzo Brave? How’s using a name and picture on a blog brave? And criticizing the T&G - what's so brave about criticizing someone who can’t respond? How about picking on me? Naaa... Gonzo would rather cut-n-paste inane news bylines about asteroids. That's brave?

To those anonymous intellectual pygmies who comment on WWW thinking they’re so smart with their juvenile taunts. I say, put up or shut up - use your real names when you post here. Add personal data - SS #, street address, phone number etc. Isn’t that what your argument is about - reveal all? But you won’t because you’re, well - pretty dimwitted.

Better still, start a blog, start a discussion and I'll join in. But remember you gotta use your real name.

Until the day someone can make a perfectly rational and logical argument against online anonymity, I guess I’ll just…

Boy that felt good. Gotta do it again soon.