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E Pluribus Unum!

Only a matter of time before Occupy Wall Street made its way to Worcester, MA. Sorta cool actually.

Who better to give us the play-by-play? The NEN&PA award winner, Wusta's very own - T&G, who printed its obligatory inanities about the disenfranchised - students and the unemployed - peacefully occupying the Worcester Common on a lovely sunny Sunday afternoon. Democracy in action - E pluribus unum!

Um... we see the peons, but where are the polits? So where was Mayor Joseph O’Brien yesterday, and Councilor Barbara Haller, our sitting pseudo-progressives? Someone forget to tell Joe about a demo? Probably not worth his while because no minorities were involved. We counted 3 in the T&G photos – not enough? Ironic, when a bunch of white folks hit the streets, Joe’s noticeably missing. Haller too - busy tinkering with her chicken coop last we heard.

Hey this is class warfare, everybody in the trenches! Notably missing was Worcester's Black and Hispanic population. Perhaps they saw no reason to show up because they already got their share of the pie – government largess. And where were Bill Coleman and Sarai Rivera? Noticeably missing of course.

Where were the poseurs from Womag? Chasing down Mike "Mr. Civil Disobedience" Benedetti most likely - Mike, Mike, got a minute. What's this all about? We're thinking of doing a cover story on you - Mike Occupies Worcester. We'll make you a star. You got an agent? Or the crack reporters (aka tools of the system) from the T&G - Clive McFarlane and Dianne Williamson? No one thought to invite them? Or they couldn't be bothered? Most likely preferring to look down on the assembled riff raff from their corporate offices. In any case, they’ll have their stories ready to print by tomorrow, that is after they make a few phone calls soliciting anecdotes from Worcester's disenfranchised. Noticeably missing of course.

What no tweets from Councilor Kate Toomey or Mayor Joe? Heck we’re 3 weeks away from an election. Where were the city council candidates? The school committee candidates? Noticeably missing of course. Most noticeably missing is Tracy Novick.

And what about our neighbors who are The System - the school teachers, the city hall clerks, the DPW guys, the WPD, and the WFD? They can't be bothered. Why should they? They already got their piece of the pie secured. Noticeably missing of course and it’ll stay that way. 

And where was our liberal diva Rosalie Tirella? Noticeably missing of course. And where were the cameras from the WCCA? Noticeably missing of course. What's the point of showing up if ya can't panhandle the crowd. Or the folks from TV-3? Can't be bothered, Sunday's their day off. WCRN just across the street - they don't work on Sundays either.

Desperately seeking attention in the middle of it all was local Bible Thumper himself, Mike Benedetti, busy calling around trying to let everyone know he’s already on The Common - ready for his photo op.

So, another lovely Fall Sunday afternoon in picturesque Worcester, Massachusetts. A community if ever there was one.

And where was Will? Ahem, had guests...

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