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Paulie Collyer: Christmas Eve Rampage, B.A. Event Promotions

Looks  like my blogging buddy Paul W. Collyer aka Paulie, went on a booze induced comment rampage on Christmas Eve. Of all days huh? And after he woke up that morning, he realized his mistake and pulled down his comments from Bill's blog and here. Call Paulie at 617-625-2140.

Take a look over at Bill's blog. Note the time stamps. The rant started Saturday at 12:15 AM, Christmas Eve, then came to here to taunt me and anyone he thought harbored ill will towards him.

In order to get to me he attacked a woman I don't know. What next? Paul Collyer attacking my children or grandmother from Bill Randell's blog. Or maybe even your family just because you comment here. Anyway, I have screen shots of them.

The whole thing backfired eh Paulie? And let's not forget Harry Tembenis who egged Paulie and Bill on with their demented attacks on an innocent woman. Real men eh.

I guess this all has to do with Bill Randell's (local booze purveyor to poor folks and all around cry baby) post from last week in which he called me a cyberbully. The nerve huh?

Bill Randell lets Paulie Collyer attack innocent women from his blog. For William Randell it's okay that the misogynistic Paul Collyer beats up girls on his blog. That about right Bill Randell?

Ya know what strikes me as really illogical, in his whiny post, the 44 year old Bill Randell compares himself to a defenseless 7 year old on the Internet, unrelentingly attacked by cyberbullies, saying he's defenseless and needs laws to protect him.

Did someone say cyber-crybaby? Act like a man Bill Randell. You got a keyboard right?


I am deeply saddened by the accusations which have been placed against me. I am further disappointed by the childish behavior exemplified by Mr Coyller and Mr Randall. I have no issue with addressing charges against me; however Mr. Coyller and Mr Randell have acted in a cowardly fashion by attacking my father and girlfriend.

Their attack against my girlfriend and father can only be summed up as reprehensible. They should both be ashamed by their behavior. Mr. Randell has my phone number; if he wanted to contact me regarding this like a man he could have.

Mr Coyller; you sir have held yourself in a disgusting manor which is beyond thought. I only hope you find the mental help you so desperately seem to need.

Both men have acted inexcusably, and for that I pity them. If either of them wanted to speak to me they could have easily picked up the phone and reached out to me; Or met me at Starbucks as Mr Randell knows is my regular hang out.

I would have explained to them that I am not "The Count". I thank everyone for the support they have shown me and ask that no one gives credence to this buffoonery.

It is shameful to think that these individuals who claim to be leaders in Worcester's business and Civic communities would launch personal attacks based on unfounded evidence.

I conclude by offering Shame on Mr Randell and Shame on you Mr. Coyller

I respectfully ask that everyone show the class these two lack in their posts and keep to the issues.

All the Best
