A while ago I posted a video from a desperate adolescent wannabe internet personality named Channing, a weird 10 year old looking for attention. Sorta reminds me of Paulie (I want my 15 minutes too) Collyer's basement videos. Basement videos? Don't ask.
Two things caught my attention: The number of page views it got and the same search term appearing several times a day - as if someone was pinging me. Eventually I clicked through and whata ya know, I landed on Channing's facebook page!
So it seems goofy little Channing wants to become a facebook star. I looked the page over. It was decked out with silly sycophants and nonsensical meanderings i.e., Jay Leno played my video on his show!, praising and touting a 10 year old. I thought about it a bit. Something's fishy here. No 10 year-old writes like that. It seemed to me someone else was behind it. Someone's trying to boost her profile. Her Mom maybe? A thought, why would a mother name a kid Channing? It sounds like a piece of Pottery Barn furniture.
So here's my take folks. I'm pretty sure Mom, who I think has a serious case of low self-esteem, is behind this. I recently read about helicopter parenting. What I learned was that parents project their inadequacies and deficiencies on their children - assuming their child is a looser like themselves - and thereby forcing esteem enhancing activities on them to compensate.
This is most pronounced with women with a single child; some adult females will do anything for the attention they never received in adolescence. In this case, Channing becomes essentially a host. (... in biology a human, animal, plant, or other organism in or on which another organism, especially a parasite ...) Um, a parasitic mother lives out her unfulfilled adolescent fantasies through her child. This is the stuff horror films are made of.
So Mom is pushing this hapless child into the spotlight, so I guess we know where this thing is going. I wanted to say I feel bad for Channing missing out on childhood. Mommy do I have to do the camera thing again? I want to play with kids. No, Channing get back here. You're gonna be famous whether you like it or not. It's a crazy world out there and parents frequently make poor decisions regarding their children's interests. So it seems, it's all about Mom wanting the spotlight. But maybe I'm wrong?
Ya know what? I say we need a law that forbids kids from coming into contact with electronic devices before age 21. Electronic devices and kids don't mix well especially when a bizarre parent is involved. I just hope someone calls child services.