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Paulie Collyer - Cyber-Sicko?

Found this Facebook page Paulie Collyer (B A Events Promotions, 617-625-2140) did a while back.

He wants to paint Peter Kush,  Worcester city council candidate, as a cyber-bully? Paulie calling someone a cyber-bully? 

Quiet the leap considering Paulie Collyer's reputation as a local crazy.

As we all know, Paulie Collyer has a few issues - weak ego, social stigma, inadequacy. But hey, who doesn't?

So when Paulie's ego gets pricked, he lashes out. His wrath knows no bounds - he'll travel to your workplace and even camp out in front of your home. 

To put Paulie Collyer in perspective, look at his business' reviews (B A Event Promotions) on Yelp. Two-thirds of the folks on Yelp call him crazy. Check out the filtered reviews at the bottom of the page. Keep in mind, those folks don't even live in Worcester. I wonder if he stalked and harassed them? 

Better he should try finding a girlfriend to channel that energy? But time ran out on him long ago and now he's stuck with local criminal Rosalie Tirella of Incity Times (his PR person), who surprisingly calls Paulie a psycho too. Guess it takes one to know one. So Tirella, like Collyer, keep running into walls, oblivious to their reputations. Maybe not. Maybe they want to be known as crazies.

Imagine the likes of Paulie Collyer running for Worcester city council? Or Rosalie Tirella. What a joke that would be. But at one time he was serious. Even had a vision for Worcester: drive out the scum (non-whites) and fill it with yuppies (didn't they die out decades ago?) and make millions renting to them. Oh, he wanted to rename Worcester, to Paulieville. That didn't go over well.

That council thing, obviously he ain't got a snowballs' chance in hell. He's got history (lots of it) but he ain't got the public stature. But he's got the next best thing, he's president of a non-existent business association - the Chandler St. Business Association. Call Paulie at 617-625-2140 for membership info.

As for that history, here's what Paulie Collyer got: first and foremost, he's a pathological stalker - a predator who targets women. He also targets their families - children, grandparents; sits there for hours (with telephoto) on end watches their homes.

Paulie himself even got caught on camera (see photos right) in front of Worcester resident Claude Dormen's home; does drive-bys, 5 or 6 a times day; calls their homes a several times a day; posts ads on Craigslist inviting strangers to his victims homes for sex when the spouse isn't around. Just a few of his tactics.

Even goes on their property to photograph them too. Follows them around town too snapping photos. When he's busy with another victim he sends his contractor buddies to fill in. Even resorts to vandalism - slashed tires, breaks windows. Eventually gets the attention of the Worcester Police and a few incidents reports with his name on them. Even got hauled into court 6 times. Now that's history huh?

And Paulie Collyer calls Peter Kush a cyber-bully?

Let me repeat, Paulie Collyer calls Peter Kush a cyber-bully.

Geez.... what a fucking sicko.