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Curse of the Nipmucs?

Looks like the final nail was put into downtown Wusta's coffin the other day. Another restaurant bites the dust - pretty freaking sad. I got the feelin downtown is like cursed - big time.

I once read that the area around The Common was once a Nipmuc burial ground - pretty sacred stuff ya know. Today there sits commercial highrisers where the Nipmuc Nation once powwowed. I'm thinking that just might have sumptin to do with all them business catastrophes? And maybe Wusta itself?

Like in 1674 a couple Puritan dudes - Gookin and Eliot - aka Pilgrims, came along and screwed the Nipmucs outta like a 8 square miles of prime real estate for a measly 12 Schillings - like 56 cents in today's money. Then their other buddies came along and systematically forced the Nipmucs from their other lands, pillaged their Maize fields and hunting grounds - effectively eradicating Nipmuc culture from the face of the planet. Give a white guy a bible and a flintlock - whataget?

Then more Puritans, aka Pilgrims, came along and setup shop (a bar no less) in Wusta, then started burying their dead folk all around The Common; desecrating the century old graves of the heathen Nipmucs. So I'm guessing there must be some pretty pissed off Nipmuc spirits still wandering the streets of Wusta. Hey if I was a Nipmuc spirit I'd come back and haunt the shit outta Wusta. So me thinks that curse thing sounds pretty darn credible.

Talkin about curses. Ya know what's pretty weird? None of the local busybody bloggers saw this restaurant catastrophe comin. Hey what the heck do we have em for? Where was Bill "The Eyes and Ears of Wusta" Randell? Or Jeff "The Travelin Taxi Man" Barnard? WTF guys! As I always say, leave it up to the good ole T&G for the real news - they got professional journalists ya know.

Hey maybe part of the reason is that none of the locals visited the joint. Wusta is a pretty apathetic place - downtown is dead at noon. And now with no students around this place really does seem like a graveyard. Thinking here... what about those two wannabe food critics (Mike & Nick) at Eating Worcester. Maybe they had a hand in that restaurant's demise - a bad review maybe? Sorta doubt it, but ya never know.

But there's the good news folks! We got a tidbit from a Washington insider. An Arizona based restaurant chain is comin here to exact revenge. Just kidding. No really - to help our dwindling downtown dining scene. Seems Mayor Joe's letter was misinterpreted as Wusta seeking help from Arizona - SOS please send refugees ASAP.

So the world famous Heart Attack Grill (neat video behind this link) - home of the Bypass Burgers is coming to Wusta along with a bunch of Mexican nationals fresh from a stint at an Arizona meat packing plant where they trained as food service workers - on a federal program no less.

This is a freaking dream come true for Mayor Joe. He wanted to diss Arizona, but got a neighborly helping hand for his economic recovery program (sucker a real company with real jobs with really low wages to come here and then fleece the bejeepers outta em). And he rescued a bunch of illegals from the grips of the dastardly Arizonans too. But there is bad news - ain't any locals eligible for any of the jobs - gotta speak Mexican. Oy veh!

So where are they gonna locate then? You guessed it - at the corner of Front & Commercial Sts. Um? Pushing fate me thinks.

Maybe, just to be on the save side the city otta bring in a Nipmuc medicine man to appease the restless spirits.