It says a lot about the reprobates on the City Council and the School Committee who don't at least have a presence. That said...
Continuing my post from last week about Tracy Novick's demand... airport sales proceeds. Well, she didn’t post my response. Ask a direct question - get no answer. Typical bureaucrat huh? Like I said, in the surreal world of Worcester's blogosphere something akin to despotism rules - critical comments don't get posted . Or is it something else - like hypocrisy? Me thinks hypocrisy.
Hypocrites come in every demographic - even mothers with political ambitions. What strikes me as hypocritical about Tracy Novick - the mother of three - is that she used her children to jump start her political career. Is that what child advocates do? Use their children as if they were chattel - putting them on street corners as human campaign billboards. What drives a mother to exploit her children like that? I don't know - its unfathomable to me.
Apart from the issue of Tracy Novick's parental skills, something else about her - her unwillingness or inability to explain to the public what's going on with the Worcester School Committee – considering her campaign promises. Instead preferring to post inane education related news snippets. Me thinks it otta be easy, she's got the gift of gab and a Masters in English, but she's been quite mum about a lot of issues.
Not surprisingly Tracy Novick has pawned off on the public a see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil stance about the ongoing controversies coming out of the Worcester school system - specifically the Major Godin disaster last week. A statement on her Whos of Who-cester: "I don't have a comment..." No comment?
The Major Godin disaster is very shameful isn’t it? This is the kind of news that makes Worcester the laughing stock of the state. Nay, the laughing stock of the nation. Having hit the national news channels, over 300 million Americans now know Worcester for this disgraceful incident. The whole nation took notice that the Worcester School Committee was completely mum on this – letting the EAW's Cheryl Delsignore humiliate the great City of Worcester. Why didn’t Mayor O’Brien keep this from becoming a national embarrassment? Where was Tracy Novick? Where's the leadership?
Leads me to ask, what is going on with the School Committee, EAW, and the Worcester School Department? I suspect there’s too many personal agendas cluttering the School Department's hallways - just like in high school eh? I can only imagine the pettiness, arrogance and stupidity rampant in the EAW and WSD? I suspect someone wanted this to become an issue?
What’s just as worrisome. Every time I read about the WSC in the T&G and their incessant demand for more taxpayer dollars to prop up the bloated Worcester School Dept, I wonder if Tracy Novick and her WSD colleagues (the EAW we already know is stupid) have any idea about the economic and financial concepts relating to financing education with taxpayer dollars? One fundamental concept that has always been foremost in the pro/contra argument is the law of diminishing returns. If the EAW is involved, it's a serious concern for the taxpayer.
Let me sum it up. Pumping tens of millions of dollars into a system rife with sloth and inefficiency, the marginal returns diminish - actually disappear - at a point. In the vernacular, the money is squandered - sucked into a bureaucratic quagmire and gorged on by gluttonous unions - swelling an already distended bureaucracy. The losers in this feeding frenzy are the students and the taxpayers.
And just when you think you’ve heard it all when it comes to political squirming, reading the T&G after each WSC vote in which Tracy Novick was in the minority, she's quoted as having "philosophical differences" with the opposing majority position. Um... that's a pretty novel response eh? Or does that indicate she’s already learned something since getting into politics – the art of deflection? And why is she voting her conscience? This is a political job, not a religious order. If she wants to be a saint, then Tracy Novick should step aside, the school committee is not the place to do it. Children’s lives and voters money are at stake. To hide behind such drivel is astonishing.
Tracy Novick must finally clarify her position and her goals on the WSC - put it on her anonymous blog in a form for the public to read and follow. And drop the gibberish about being an advocate for kids, because their parents work two jobs - this is the big time now - not mother-to-mother drivel.
Tracy Novick must show a mature and balanced view of educational issues; address the issues confronting us - the pros & cons - openly without political rhetoric. And stop whining about bigger budgets - that's not the answer. The answer is to purge the EAW's 19th century mindset towards education.
Lastly, me thinks Tracy Novick has to do what is in the best interest of the majority, for Tracy Novick has an obligation to the entire Worcester electorate, not a fringe group.
Remember, it’s for the kids. All the kids.