Why not be the first in something else? Home to something genuinely distinctive, something that would put this ole town on the map - Medical Marijuana Dispensaries and Coffee Shops, a la Amsterdam, or in the local puritanical vernacular, dens of iniquity.
Yeah, why not? It's a great idea and Wusta is the perfect place to get it up and running. We got a health delivery and social services infrastructure that some towns would die for. We got tons of bars. We got a culturally diverse population of progressives, liberals, and fringe folk. Including thousands of aging hippies with wicked cases of glaucoma. And we got 10’s of thousands of students with pockets full of cash, just ripe for the plucking. It’s a no brainer.
Guys, it’s an easy and obvious source of new revenue. Think about the economic impact. It'll create jobs at the municipal level - union jobs at that. It’ll spark private employment and a building boom all thru the 7 Hills. I can see City Manager O’Brien drooling. It’d be more lucrative than Casino Gambling, but with more riff raff.

If structured as a serious business endeavor this thing would make Wusta the drug capital of New England. Huh? We already is? Well, then let's clean up our act and solidify our position. All we need to do is get a local shady business magnate who has the cash and lawyers to get this going, change a few ordinances and bing, we're good to go.
Second thought, maybe this ain’t such a good idea. After all is said and done, this is still Wusta.
Heck, at least I tried.