Ever since Yummy arrived in our lives things have changed dramatically. It's now Yummy this, Yummy that.
Initially I just wanted to fatten her up for a family meal, then they went vegan on me. Now the family propaganda machine is in full swing, even forced me to watch the film Food, Inc. - an eye opener, but sure as heck ain't gonna change my eating habits. Nothing beats a Mickie D's dollar-double-cheeseburger!
That's to say, I'm the only meat eater left. They've all gone vegan on me. The frig is full of yogurt, the cabinets with granola. Yuck! This past weekend I invited everyone to Mickie Ds' - no takers! And Xmas wishlists have already been posted on the frig. At the top is... Google translate for animals.
Leave it to Google to do the most amazing things with technology. Introducing Translate for Animals beta version: Bridging the gap between humans and animal.
Translate for Animals is an application for Android phones that recognizes and transcribes words and phrases that are common to a species, like chickens and cats for example. I like that. To develop Translate for Animals, Google worked closely with many of the world's top language synthesis teams, and with leaders in the field of animal cognitive linguistics, including senior fellows at the Bodleian Library in Oxford.