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Let's Do One For The Jeffster!

A while ago we noticed that the most senior of citizen bloggers has put up a "Tip Jar" on his blog. He calls it tipping, but its really begging ain't it?

Well, that’s to be expected, considering his wife cut his allowance, his employer now makes him pay for gas, and his avant-garde photo business (The Streets of Worcester) ain’t doing too hot.

One of Wusta's own is in dire straits folks. It's most popular - at least to the 113 people who voted for him in the 2010 WOMAG Best of Poll - and prodigious blogger (the content is negligible). The one blogger who took on the T&G and brought it to its knees, the patron saint of the WPD, and the scourge of flamers. We give you the citizen blogger himself, Mr. JeffreyNever endorse a political candidate who wears a scarfBarnard. For the record we’re contesting the WOMAG results; still wonderin how the ole geezer won, considering the WWW staff stuffed the ballot box.

But it really hit home when we saw his 2010 WOMAG award on EBay. No takers of course. In that moment we decided we had to do sumptin to help our fellow blogger. We thunk, hey let’s organize a Benefit Softball Tournament with proceeds going into a trust to supplement Jeff’s upcoming retirement. Social security ain't what it use to be.

In the spirit of diversity and political correctness, there are a couple of rules we cooked up. All teams must correspond to the cities’ demographics i.e., race, gender, age, weight, marital status, and beer consumption. We missing anything? But just keep in mind rule number one. If you can walk, blog, and drink beer at the same time - you’re good to go. In order to encourage the ladies to participate (so they don’t fret about looking stupid) we’ve modified the rules. The team with the most runs loses. How’s that for a level playing field huh?

WWW has already put together a diverse group of geeks, twerps, malcontents, and miscreants who can’t tell the difference between a baseball and a volleyball. We’ve already started training; had our first game last week - we lost 51 to zip to a bunch of Special Ed kids. No big deal. We’ll rise to the occasion.

To be eligible you must have a Blogspot account. Wordpress bloggers are not eligible - snobs. There will be no live blogging, no cameras, or any other recording devices. This could be a humiliating event for some folks, so it’s not such a good idea to save this for posterity. Sports Moms and Dad's will be ejected from the tournament - we got Tiny “Velvet Fingers” Machetti, a certified crowd management specialist. He's also the ump. No jocks or jockettes. If you even look like a one, you’re gone. And it’s BYOB. Our tournament, our rules.

Tournament date is Saturday, July 17th at 2 PM, until the sun goes down or the beer runs out - whichever comes first. Location is TBD. We’re thinking about doin it downtown (you know, like access to public transportation etc.) on that green patch of grass across from City Hall. The registration is $100 a team and closes June 30th. We’re gonna charge entrance - a buck-a-head sounds about right for Wusta huh?

And let it be known that all proceeds are going to benefit Blogger Jeff. We ain’t trying to make a buck off this thing, like some sleazy promoters around Wusta.

So come on people. Let’s do one for the Jeffster!