Give two old women a keyboard and a DSL connection. Throw in a pinch of antipathy, a smidgen of ego and a hefty Estrogen imbalance. Whata ya get?
Two crazy bitches rippin each other to shreds. In public no less! Have they no shame? No Decency? Obviously not. Women do some crazy freakin stuff eh?
In need of some entertainment Worcester? We got a cat fight raging of the likes not seen since the Women's Liberation Movement sprouted in the 70's. Rosalie "Crazy Bitch" Tirella is at it again, trying to defame Williamson with her wacko antics. And shooting herself in the foot.
Each in their own way, the pride or pity, of Worcester journalism. And living proof that the job title "journalist" is no guarantee one has all their marbles.
Each in their own way, the pride or pity, of Worcester journalism. And living proof that the job title "journalist" is no guarantee one has all their marbles.
Ya know what? If I was that guy at WCCA, I'd be all over this, like do a live mud wrestling to benefit the homeless on the ice rink behind City Hall, or maybe for retired journalists, or refugees from Arizona. Issues the ladies certainly have an interest in. There's plenty of potential to draw this cat fight out, make it a weekly thing and make lots of moolah. Hey we need a promoter. Where's Paulie? Hey, where's WOMAG? This is local entertainment right?
See if I can sum this up. If you have anything to add, let me know.
Rosie is (ahem) a journalist, can't write for shit.
Dianne is (ahem) a journalist, writes shit.
Rosie likes retired greyhounds, transsexuals, and Barbara Haller. Weird huh?
Dianne likes, um let's see... Walks in the park? An occasional drink?
Rosie hates guys, the system, rich folk, and Dianne.
Dianne likes gals, is the system, likes rich folk, and hates Rosie.
Rosie is a self-made woman, has her own TV show, looks older than her 48 years.
Dianne is a corporate drone, doesn't have her own TV show, hasn't aged in 48 years.
Isn't this sumptin folks? And women call guys Neanderthals? Nutjobs like them give women a bad rap. If you're desperate for entertainment this is the best Wusta has to offer. Let's hope it doesn't end too soon.
Wusta, don't cha the love the place?
Wonder why I dump on it?
Wonder why I dump on it?