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Bill Randell Local Fool - FlyORH

By Harry Tembenis

Who is Bill Randell and why is he posting all that stupid stuff about JetBlue?

Bill Randell is the "CEO" of a rinky-dink package store located in the slums of Worcester , MA.  He's also a slumlord.

Figure by now that ole Bill Randell must have carpal tunnel syndrome; another installment in Bill's JetBlue Qunitiliogy.

Apart from the obvious grammatical errors, Bill Randell is still has no idea what he's writing about. The fact being, JetBlue has only 4 destinations planned for the locals - none are worth visiting. Unless you're Bill Randell.

Seems Bill's sole fixation is Florida. Isn't that where geriatrics go to die?

Says a lot about Bill's frame of mind.

Geez... welcome to ORH!