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Billy Breault's Political Contribution Report

Billy Breault is on a freaking tear!

Look at the money. Ain't a man in Clowntown who spends that much on polits.

For a janitor (Holy Cross College of all places), he sure does like to throw around wads of cash. Must be good money in janitoring. Me thinks I oughta get a job there.

So what's there to say about Billy B. that hasn't already been said? He's engaged, hard core, and lives in Main South. An activist by anyone's definition. Oh, and wears a bullet proof vest 24/7.

Can't say that about all those self-proclaimed phony baloney activists around town. Gee, I wonder what Billy's gonna do once Babs (disgraced Barbara Haller) is put out to pasture? Wonder what newly elected Sarai Rivera is gonna do with him?

Sic him on the rascals around 701 Main St. of course.