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Stephen Quist's (aka Q) Political Contribution Report

Whata ya say about a guy who thinks nothing of giving a lawyer $3,000 to defend his right to free speech, got him tons of well deserved public derision and a big fat dis by the T&G's Dianne Williamson. After all the hard work he put into being a pundit and ole DW gives him a swift kick in the balls. Ouch!

But Stephen Quist, aka Q, is too dimwitted to realize he'd get more attention and accolades if he used the political process to change the law (win or loose), winning him a cult following, bolstering his already warped ego, and maybe support him in a run for city council. Imagine the T&G headlines: Q Wins Seat On Council. I shudder at the thought.

Imagine all the politicians he coulda bought for $3,000? The whole council in fact. Or he coulda financed Buchalter's campaign. Or bought rounds of drinks for the regulars at Mahoney's? Or a really wild night at Centerfolds.  

As for his big spending ways, betcha that $100 he gave bar owner Mahoney in 2010 didn't even get him a seat at the candidates table for a night. Not even a free shot. Did ya notice that Mrs. Q went on a spending spree eh? We know who's got the smarts in the family.

One thing is for sure, no one is ever gonna accuse Stevie of being smart.

Only in Wusta folks!