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Harry T.'s Political Contribution Report

My will ya look at that, ole Harry Tembenis, 43, registered independent, is the proverbial shaker & mover in Wusta. A whopping $60 donation to Tony and George in the 2011 council election. Me thinks the money could have been better spent.

So looks like Wusta's not-so-smart Teletubby (the neighborhood kids call him Uncle T.), is trying to make his mark on local politics. But, come to think of it, what Harry T. did was pathetic. That money should have been put to better use helping the National Autism Association (NAA) with its worthy goals, but instead Harry T. gave it to some sleazy politicians with unworthy goals. You see, Harry T. is spokesman for the local NAA. Go figa.

I'll guarantee you Harry T. doesn't know squat about politics or business. I talked to him once. That was enough. The dude's got a one-track mind filled with YouTube links. Name sumptin and Harry'll spit out links like a teletype machine. Oughta put him in some freak show.

BTW, Harry's employer, State Street Global Partners, is renown for its unethical handling of customers assets. But don't all banks? SSGP is a defendant in more lawsuits and has had more judgements against it than Harry T. has brain cells.