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Pie (& Coffee) in her Face

The Occupy Wall Street movement has reached the  polarization stage. Mike Benedetti has seen to it.

Americans are no longer blue or red - we've gotten past color. Now you're either a socialist loser or a greedy capitalist. The true Americans, the devout capitalists, the ones with jobs, are deriding the occupiers as good-for-nothing whining freeloaders - pay your debts, get a job. Good advice if only…

It’s always refreshing to read other opinions. Nicole Apostola, blogger about town, has a unique take – she doesn’t understand it. Too busy investing in PC-stocks via her credit union, voting against the mainstream, and resisting her consumerist impulses, to grasp the movement’s significance?

And lest anyone think of accusing her of hypocrisy, she honestly truly supports the movement 100%. At least in spirit.

Over at Pie & Coffee, Sandra D. took it upon herself to set Nicole Apostola straight – how can she be so naïve - millions of Americans are slaves to corporations, millions are being eaten alive by corporate greed, banks are pillaging the country. And even accusing her of a pampered existence subsidized by her parents. Ouch!

So her parents paid her college - lucky her. Having parents who can pay for college is a gift very few Americans have. The rest rely on their parents as co-signers, but being smug, touting her lifestyle as an example we all should follow is, well, pretty arrogant. Can she be so oblivious to people's suffering? Apparently so. And with relish.

Nicole Apostola is the 1% who doesn't get it.