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InCity Times: Blogging Fool Award - Rosalie Tirella

Gotta hand it to Rosalie Tirella, the old girl loves the F-bomb. F-this, F-that, tossing it indiscriminately at perverts, pundits and politicians. And anyone she doesn’t like. Like all of Worcester.

She’s been using the last couple months to practice her bomb throwing skills - getting ready for the election season. Last week she tossed the season's first R-bomb. The unwitting victim, the T&G’s Nick K., for his article about 
Bill I got a good feeling this yearColeman - Persistent Coleman tries again - Worcester's perennial political candidate.

For his effort Nick K. stands accused of being a racist, perpetrating a “subtle kind of racism” and "making fun of Bill Coleman for years". Um... but Rosalie's been picking on people for years... funny huh? Nonetheless, there’s something ludicrous about a white woman calling a white man a racist. Now that deserves consideration. How about a Blogging Fool Award?

Ya gotta love Rosie for having the temerity to toss the R-Bomb in defense of her black brother-in-arms. Laudable but misplaced. And how is it that only Rosalie Tirella discerned racism in the article and no one else?

Personally we thought it was a compliment to his character – his determination in the face of all odds, going against Worcester’s less than democratic system - a man with a vision. How many polits around Worcester have a vision? Like one maybe? But the T&G racist? Preposterous! They’re professionals. Ahem.

We recall a few months ago on a WCCA talk show with Rosalie Tirella as guest. Some dandy interviewed her (he paid more attention to his cuff links than his guest). So the interview got around to downtown Worcester. So tell me Rosalie, why's downtown deserted?, he asked. Being the razor-sharp intellect she is, Rosalie blurted out – the whites around here are racists, or something to that effect, they avoid downtown because it’s filled with minorities. Gotta ask. Ever been downtown Rosalie? It's like all whites... since when are whites considered minorities in Worcester? Geez...

So Rosalie Tirella, for teaching us that F-bombs, R-Bombs, bombs of any kind, have a tendency blow-up in one’s face, we award you this week's Blogging Fool Award.

Editorial note: We, as a member of Worcester’s tight knit blogging community understand it’s important to help our fellow bloggers. As we all know, InCity Times has fallen on hard times - readership has dropped to zero. In solidarity with our brethren, we’d feel it's our obligation to bring to your attention articles of particular interest.