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Of Bookworms, Bigots, Commies and NEWP

Only in Wusta folks would a group of bookworms have the audacity to tackle a constitutional question.

Pretty sure that’s not what our insightful forefathers had in mind, preferring to leave it in the hands of learned minds.

No matter how you look at it, NEWP, a group of white supremacists, has smartly manipulated the issue of free speech and attracted media attention for their cause. And a following.

If you haven’t been following the story, it’s no longer a free speech issue, it's become a black versus white issue, instigated by members of the PLP (Revolutionary Communist Progressive cadre) of which discrimination advocate Gordon Davis, a 65 year old black man, is allegedly a member. Ironically, Gordon Davis, fails to see any contradiction in his public position relative to his profession as a discrimination advocate. Geez...

So NEWP is doing a pretty good job of attracting favorable public sentiment for its cause. That is, if you consider that the overwhelming majority of comments (contexted as a Black vs. White issue) on the T&G are pro-NEWP.

Perhaps another more subtle issue, why is the PLP/Communists involved in a free speech issue? Aren't Communists avowed enemies of the democratic system of government; publicly calling for the downfall of the U. S. Government through armed insurrection. How come no right-minded democracy loving citizen has an issue with that?

So where's our elected officials on this matter? Busy twittering storm warnings? And where's our Socialist leaning Mayor, the less-than-honorable Joseph O'Brien, in this? Well, not surprisingly, he's firmly on the side of the bookworms, bigots and commies.

So what does the Library Board intend to do? The issue is in the hands of a sub-committee lead by local black spokesman Bill Coleman and a group of bookworms who are framing this as a public safety issue. Thanks to the help of the City’s crack legal team known for its blatant abuses of citizens personal and property rights. 

As colorblind as were supposed to be, it begs the question, how can a black man render an impartial decision in a case involving white supremacists? Obviously Bill Coleman and his cohorts will enact restrictions on NEWP that will effectively keep them out of the Worcester Public Library, but not other race based, ideological or political groups. So when the decision falls, rest assured public opinion will again be on the side of NEWP.

Ironically the real loser won’t be NEWP per se, rather you and your ever dwindling civil rights. Thanks to a cadre of bookworms.

Oh woe is us.