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D1 Candidate's Meeting - Same ole Same ole...

I made a resolution last year to attend as many D1 (my district) candidate meetings as possible. Fact is, you can't believe everything you read in the T&G. Seeing it live, ya get the up-close-and-personal of the candidate - warts and all.

So I made my way there last night - along with a neighbor. Shoulda just stayed home. Only managed 20 minutes before being overwhelmed by the BS - referring more to Jordan Levy than the candidates. Someone put him out to pasture - please! It's relics like him that give Worcester a bad rep.

I am not a supporter of Joff Smith the incumbent. Me and the neighbors had unresolved communication issues, encounters that unalterably tainted my opinion about local politics and councilors that lead me into this blogging thing.

Regardless of what Smith said yesterday, little has changed - so I've been told. Now he just puts out minimal effort. As opposed to no effort previously. I wonder if last year's 13th Worcester piss poor showing was a wake-up call for him? I know a bunch of folks who didn't vote for him. Who the heck voted for that guy anyway? Oops - I did. Bad me. But that was years ago. I'm wiser now.

Folks, ya gotta look at Smith's website. I can't believe what he touts as credentials for a city councilor's position. Football team??? Is this all that Worcester has to offer? Come on - honestly - ever wonder why Wusta is so... ain't we got like gobs of college professors willing to...  Oops, fagitit I said that. We got public school teachers as councilors. Look where we are. I'll take lawyers any day.

You know what? I'm thinking that anyone becoming a councilor, or even a city employee, should be required to take mandatory customer service training. When they're dealing with the public's issues, we oughta get to grade them on a follow-up survey (just like they do in corporate America), with the results posted on the City's site. Might lead to a merit pay structure? Or, god forbid, immediate expulsion from elected office. All in favor raise your hands. Hey... is that you Paulie Collyer, I see back there?

Overall impression from last night? A very unimpressive 20 minutes - enough to make us leave. Next time I'll bring a gasmask.

Folks, better to see them first hand, warts and all, than read the T&G's stilted take.

Oh woe is us...