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The Blogga Who Cried Wolf Part II, or The Neighbor from Hell, B.A. Event Promotions

Part II of the The Blogga Who Cried Wolf. Meanwhile back in the hood... Call Paulie at 617-625-2140.

If ya got bigger issues, say with the City or maybe Common Ground, ya could call the T&G's Sutner in the hope he’ll do a slash job. But he’s been declawed for picking on the WPD too much and been relegated to the back bench. 

Of course your very last resort is Jordan “true ti his whatever..." Levy, but since he’s allegedly pals (and they all deny it) with everyone at City Hall, past and present, don’t expect a sympathetic ear. Ya see, there are options. Hey even Wonderland is willing to do its civic duty - we’ll see to it that your issue goes down in flames.

Now back to ole Paulie "This is my hood" Collyer. Unfortunately he still hasn’t learned in his short lived blogging career that he who screams the loudest is not necessarily in the right. Yes, it's easy to convince his dimwitted sycophants, but the public doesn't buy it. Yeah, use to be a time when folks listened while Paulie made a spectacle of himself. But those days are gone

 In his attempts to dominate the neighborhood, he tried to recruit Councilor Babs (as in D4 Councilor Haller) but got nowhere. She eventually distanced herself. Paulie in a hissy fit dropped her from the NOLA VIP list. As well as the entire city bureaucracy. Lucky them.

Public service message: Councilor Babs is currently recruiting volunteers for the upcoming campaign season, who have sign holding skills and experience. Please contact her recruiting staff. 

It goes without saying, that it takes a lot a balls or maybe just plain ole hardheadedness to go against the powers that be - past and present. Remember, ya can't fight City Hall. Still valid today as it was a 100 years ago. Being right (a relative term) is not necessarily a clarion call for a councilor to take up your issue with the bureaucracy. Fact is, they'd rather pick their noses than get their hands dirty doing the voters bidding. All the more if Paulie is involved. 

There's more than just piles of dirt troubling Paulie. We recently read on his blog that last year he was the victim of a tire slashing. Not the first time. Umm... proudly displaying a $500 check, restitution from the dastardly adolescent perpetrator. Some of you may not realize this, but our Paulie has a bit of a reputation in the hood - the so called Neighbor From Hell. With all that love he's been spreading, it's no wonder. 

So the question everyone is asking, will Paulie put a bounty on Steve Patton’s head? Well Paulie being Paulie, we're pretty sure he'll do it. Hopefully Steve Patton will drag his fat little ass through the legal system. Too bad stupidity isn't at least a misdemeanor.

Remember, Paulie don't give up easy. So stay tuned folks.

Wusta, don't cha love it?