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Worcester, MA - City of Hate?

Fascism is alive and kicking in Worcester, MA - free speech no, white folks must go.

And the T&G has again showed itself as inept as ever in its reporting of local events, framing the story as a handful of Liberals, Progressives and Communists battling a group of balded headed white guys, aka NEWP, for a meeting room at the public library, not a free speech issue.

Not surprisingly, there wasn't a peep from the city’s political leadership, aka city councilors. Think, the one time they could profile themselves by showing some backbone, especially before an election, they were all noticeably absent. Says a lot about their priorities. Seems certain aspects of free speech they just don't want to deal with especially if it involves bald headed white folks. Not worth the effort I suppose. If it were bald headed Black guys they'd be standing in line to get a headline or two. Instead they watched the war of words from the sidelines as the Liberals, Progressives & Communists (yes Communists!) fell over themselves to attack the NEWP on the T&G.

One thing is clear, the council's priorities are misplaced, instead preferring to take on the cigarette industry and their high-powered lawyers (while the city sends a hick lawyer against them), or battle the city’s businesses about outdoor billboards, or freak out about a PETA ad showing a hint of a woman’s breasts (Councilor Kate Toomey lost it on that one). Makes one wonder if they understand the contradiction of their positions. Sorta doubt it. 

So what does this all say about our City’s Councilors as moral leaders? Um... good luck trying to figure that out.

Of course our socially progressive Mayor Joseph O'Brien was nowhere to be found - probably out getting signatures in Arizona for an pro-immigrants bill. And the normally irrepressible Councilor Kate Toomey was notably mum. Instead preferring to twitter about her husband pulling weeds at Washington Square. And on facebook she gushed about her new bracelet. You go girl. 

The T&G once again proved itself inept, failing to seek comments from NEWP's spokesman Russell James in their so called reporting of the controversy, but went out of their way to seek comments from the crazies of a  communist group, the PLP, of which Gordan & Gwendolyn Davis are allegedly members. Um... I thought Commies went out with the end of the Cold War. So you get an idea where the political mentality around here is like. Only in Wusta folks.

By the way, no matter what your political preference the comments on the T&G, NEWP and their sycophants clearly had the argumentative upper-hand compared to the hate laced comments, including death threats, by the enlighten Liberals, Progressives and Communists. Only in Wusta folks.

We have met the enemy and he is us.

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