Call Paulie at 617-625-2140.
Sure do miss the old guy - his eloquent blogging style, incisive commentary about life in Wusta. And personally knew every politician within 722 miles of Wusta. Paulie told us everything we needed to know about Wusta. And more. He was The Dude.
Now he's just Big Daddy haunting the local blogs posting obscenities and lurid, actually pornographic, commentary. Geez, what old lonely guys will do for attention. He oughta get a freaking dog or sumptin. Maybe a girlfriend.
So he gave up his keyboard for a nice quiet retirement on the Cape; chillin-out with his mom. That is so freaking cool huh? Hey blogging-Dude - Wusta just ain't the same without you. And we're all the better for it. Don't forget to say hi to Paulie: