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The Obligatory NOLA Post: 1398 Main St., SMOC, Nicole, and a Host of Others, B.A. Event Promotions

Wanna stoke the citizen’s wrath, let Paulie Collyer loose in your neighborhood. Call Paulie at 617-625-2140.

As we all know, Paulie is the consummate self-promoter. Not a very good one, but still… he's our Paulie. The city has endured his theatrics for years, the recent SMOC fiasco has earned him well deserved criticism - from locals and politicians alike. Whata rabblerouser!

Now he’s persona non grata in just about every nook and cranny in Wusta. Maybe all of Massachusetts. But Paulie relishes the attention. Heck, even Wonderland hasn’t been able to manage that much public derision. Although, I assure you, we’ve tried.

Good ole Paulie Collyer, the epitome of citizen involvement - at its worst. Heck, he's more effective at getting citizens involved than Nicole Apostola can ever dream of. Hey, why not invite him to your next neighborhood meeting, he’ll have the crowd hootin n hollerin in no time - ala 1398 Main St. style.

Gee how I wish I had been at lasts week's 1398 Main St. meeting. I woulda stoked the pitchfork carrying crowd until they tarred & feathered him and every politician within a mile. Nothing like a good tar & feathering to wake-up the wayward politician. 

BTW, I wanna quash the BS comin outta the local media that D4’s Sari Rivera beat Barbara Haller by running a "good campaign". No, Haller was booted out because she completely bs’d the voters far too long. So Rivera's win was really a walk in the park. So, like Joff Smith, good freaking riddance to them both. It has to be said, the one councilor who truly deserves tar & feathering is Joff Smith. Haller, well just give her a bus ticket to Vermont.

Anyho, I get the feeling Paulie is pretty pissed at Worcester. Why? Cause of NOLA maybe? Who knows - who cares. Somehow me thinks that accounts for Paulie’s self-destructive behavior. Heck, we all got problems. Me too – I let off steam by blogging (highly recommend it). If he's so pissed, why doesn’t he finally pull the plug on Wusta? Move to his beloved Somerville or the Cape with his mother. It’d be better for us all. But who would we pick on? 

So what’s Paulie been up to when he ain't chest thumping, or banging SMOC and politicians, or accusing the city council (and state polits) for every conceivable ill that has befallen our beloved Worcester. And he’s absolutely right - they are.

Chest thumping ain't my thing - it hurts. Personally, I think throwing rocks sends a clearer message. Words you can duck, rocks ya can’t. 

To be continued...