We at Wonderland often criticize local bloggers for being whiners when it comes to criticizing them for their oft ludicrous if not plain ole silly posts. The result is few Wonderland comments ever get posted. Or maybe it’s a lack of blogging decorum - ya think?
The staff at Wonderland appreciates the rules of blogging etiquette. However it speaks volumes about the locals who think themselves fair and opened minded yet can’t deal with a smidgen of criticism; reacting like a petulant child.
As for Rosalie’s assertion that folks aren't able to post comments because of their inability to master the required steps is bunk. We assert that folks just aren't visiting ICT - at all. The last comments posted on ICT were in late 2009. And think, who in their right mind would want to have their good name in any way linked with ICT?
The staff at Wonderland over the years has posted comment after comment on ICT only to have them summarily rejected. Why? Because they’re not sufficiently obsequious? Did I spell obsequious correctly Rosalie?
The fact that Rosalie Tirella censors comments we find downright farcical if not hypocritical for someone who professes to be the epitome of liberal truth and virtue - the one honest voice in a city of infidels. She should consider herself lucky that anyone makes an effort to read ICT. It is after all rather monotone.
Sadly, the esteemed Ms. Tirella for all her purported opened mindedness is as phony as they come.
So what sorta feedback do you prefer Rosalie?