Continuing the saga from the previous post.
You stay on your side of the fence and I'll stay on mine. Sounds like a viable solution?
What’s got me confused is the rhetoric Mayor Bloomberg and his propagandists are using.
Didn’t PC’ers use words like sensitivity and appropriateness in their tirades? Now the rhetoric is about property rights and standing up to radicals. So sensitivity and appropriateness aren’t applicable anymore. How convenient.
The very Americans – our politicians – whose incompetent meddling in the Middle East ignited the situation decades ago are now deriding and browbeating Americans for lacking understanding of all things Muslim. Lacking understanding? The most horrific instance of murder in American history perpetrated by Muslims and celebrated by millions of others (I remember the pictures quite vividly still) and politicians want Americans to put it behind them? So what is there to understand?
So let me frame the issue. It’s okay for a religion known for its barbarism to trudge on American sensibilities and our politicians exhort us to accept it without a whimper. Did I get that right?
BTW. European news services brought up another story a while back about a Mosque four blocks away. Seems it’s been around since 1970, quietly going about its business. No one has made an issue of that then or now - yet.
To repeat myself. I harbor a distrust of all organized religions. Not to mention governments. Mankind has suffered countless instances of barbaric treatment at the hands of organized religions - Catholics, Protestants, Muslims - since the beginning of recorded history. We lament the barbarities, but still they continue, more frequent and bloodier. And always perpetrated by... you guessed it - Muslims.
Geez… there are ethnicities still reliving the atrocities perpetrated on them decades if not scores of years ago… American Indians, Serbs, Mexicans, Armenians, Poles, Tutus, New Yorkers. The wounds haven't healed. So in fits of guilt governments built memorials to the victims. Some perpetrators were brought to justice. Some have repented. Yet Muslims have shown no remorse and still our politicians are telling Americans to get over 9/11… it’s a new dawn.. think global. Oh the rhetoric makes me…
So how does all that relate to Wusta? Well, considering Wusta has some 30 odd "Religious Organizations" (a loosely used term nowadays) dotting our bucolic landscape, from seedy storefront ministries to majestic cathedrals with towering spires, one might construe Wusta to be religiously tolerant. We know that's not true. So for the sake of argument, we’ll stick with that delusion for now.
In this controversy I heard politicians making statements about the intent of the Founding Fathers (bunch of Protestants) on the matter of religious freedom. Which made me think. What was their intent?
To be continued.