So Wusta has a Mosque. Do I have an issue with that? No. With Muslims? Umm… sorta. For the sake of full disclosure, I have issues with all organized religions, particularly the kind that resorts to mass murder, terrorism and death threats.
I visited the WIC’s website for insight on their activities. The mosque seems like a fun place to hang out – got bake sales and food drives - just like the Catholics and Jews. I churned the T&G and The Globe for news on local Muslims – nada! Staying under the radar I suppose? A shy sort maybe? Ya know, sorta surprised WOMAG ain't done a profile on a local Muslim. Never will either. That's cause the Muslim doesn’t fit their preferred profile – white, shiny and into cabaret.
Oh, I did notice one amenity missing in that neighborhood – no convenience stores or fast food joints. Not much of anything in fact. It sounds like a juicy business opportunity for an enterprising local huh? Thinking out loud here. What about a BBQ joint? Sounds yummy huh? Wutsa folk just love B B Q! Imagine delicious pork ribs drenched with hickory smoked BBQ sauce and a big ass cold beer.
Location shouldn’t be much of a problem, plenty of room next door to the WIC. Opps… my sensitivity antennae are twitching folks. That just might piss off the local Mullah. How freaking callous of me. I almost forgot, Muslims are offended by swine and infidels. My idea may even be interpreted as like being... insensitive to, disrespectful of, inappropriate to, and an affront to Muslims.

That’s sorta like what’s happening in NYC - proximity. What started as a local zoning issue turned into an international zoning issue.
Islam is a religion known for perpetrating barbaric and bloody murders of not only infidels, but it’s brothers and sisters. Obviously there's got to be more to Islam than just killing right? Don’t look that way to me. Maybe cause I don’t understand Islam’s peaceful and spiritual qualities? Well maybe cause there ain’t any?
Call me an infidel, but I can’t recall one instance in my lifetime when Islam made a peace overture in the Middle East or any notable acts of charity. We know the Catholics, Protestants, Jews and even The Dream Center have done their share to make the world a better place. But Islam? Zip! Nada! Okay, if ya wanna count the bake sales at the Worcester Islamic Center, I'll grant you that one. I'm wondering, is torturing and then beheading an infidel and posting a video of it on the internet construed as a charitable act i.e., like putting the guy outta his misery?
Now the crux of the post. America’s got itself a heck of a situation in NYC. But is it really a national issue? Actually, no. It’s a local zoning issue – nothing more. So can they? The laws says they can. Should they? Public opinion thinks they shouldn't. Whose call? The public's or a politician's?
According to a T&G poll, some 70% of its readers found the Cordoba Project an affront to American sensibilities - too near Ground Zero. Sacred ground to many Americans. Not really. It’s just a crime scene from a mass murder perpetrated by.... Muslims.
To be continued...