Seems some of you are quite surprised to find out that you're being tracked when you visit Worcester Wonderland. Why? You all do it. Some even parade their stats like medals.
Otta tell ya I've got some pretty snazzy software and scripts that yield tons of technical info on visitors - goes beyond simple logging scripts. I can even read serial numbers - something you can't mask. I even put Hot Flash Cookies on your drive - pesky critters. Can't get rid of em easily. Some stuff goes deeper - that's top secret! Scary? Not really. Imagine what the US Gov uses? Now that's really scary.
Word of advice. If ya don't like what ya see here, then buzz off. Don't like my sarcasm - nobody's forcing you to visit - you have a choice. Pretty simple huh? Don't wanna be tracked - then don't show your mug around here.
Don't like my opinions, got something to add or correct, then post a comment . Don't cost nuttin. What's blogging about anyway? And if ya wanna a pissing contest - fine. But be prepared to take a lump or two. Remember these rules: Rule 1: Be coherent. Rule 2: Be coherent. Rule 3: Be coherent.
And please don't go doing any meltdowns here, all your comments are stored, even if you think you deleted them yourself. They just might come back to haunt you. Wouldn't be pretty for your precious reputations. I got some good ones from former blogging buddy aka Harry Tembenis, who did the meltdown of all meltdowns. Got all that recorded.
And then there's Brendan Melican's (a psychopath masquerading as a sociopath) meltdown. Talk about vile - whew! All your comments were recorded stupid. Maybe I oughta post that really vile one you put up the other day eh? You know what I'm talking about don't ya? Sure ya do.
Ya know, it's funny how some of you sneak in here using anonymous proxies searching for identifying information. So what does that say about you?
Knowing that, have fun blogging. By the way, any of you guys Russian spys?