Since I got myself all wound up about the stupid PETA award and animal rights post yesterday, I thought I's share some info I found at WSJ: Fowl fans See Golden Eggs in Catering to Pet Chicken Market - with all you chicken fans out there. And I don't mean the finger licken fans.
Yup, we got us selves a purty little hen named Yummy. Got her from ole Uncle Will in Vee-mont a couple months ago.
She's as happy as a chicken can be. Got her own pad. Three squares. Lots of attention - maybe too much. And we gets eggs. Good deal ya think? Not really. Store bought is still cheaper.
Recently her egg production has slacked off. Maybe cause the kids been givin her peanuts and sunflower seeds. Ya know, I'd go so far as to say her eggs have a distinct peanut flavor?
Anyways, there's an story at WSJ about a rise in interest in the pet chicken market. Who woulda thunk eh? Pretty crazy stuff goin on out there. Check the WSJ link above.
Been thinking. What's gonna happen when ole Yummy is beyond her egg producing months? Its measured in months, not years folks .Who's gonna break the news? Me? No way.