If they're wanna raise Wusta's profile, this is not the type of headline it needs. Number of restaurants eh? That's indicative of nothing. Me thinks PETA VP Tracy Reiman is a 1st class wacko. She'll do anything - and has - for headlines. Do you recall PETA's headline garnering stunts? Impressed? I ain't. I'd rather trust Goldman Sachs than PETA.
Before she hands out awards she otta check out the waiting lines at McDonalds, Burger King and other fast food chains. Traffic is on the increase. Nationwide in fact. Certainly can't be said about the veggie joints around Wusta - ain't never seen a waiting line. In fact I ain't ever seen a veggie joint in Wusta. Unless you call McDonalds veggie joint - they do sell salads. Maybe that's what PETA is talking about.
Whoaaaa... Lawyers to represent animals in court? Next they'll demand voting rights and social security.
Wondering also why PETA isn't helping the City's Pit Bull owners?
PS. No animals were harmed in the production of this blog post.