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Mayor Joe Wrote a Letter

One man’s decision to embarrass the 138th largest city in the United States. Was it in the interest of the City of Worcester? It's citizens? Why did he do it? To boost his self-image? His political stature?

The fact of the matter it was an immature stunt by an inept local politician to deflect attention from the real issue: his inability to realize his social agenda. Now, almost a quarter of his term is over and what has he accomplished? Mayor Joe wrote a letter.

It has to be apparent to the citizens of Worcester that Mayor O’Brien is floundering. So what does a floundering Worcester polit do? Resort to Plan B of course – if things go from bad to worse, deflect attention, find an issue that has nothing to do with Worcester, MA, a human rights issue somewhere on the planet. Hey, pick on Arizona, a state under siege by criminal elements from Mexico and contest their right to discharge the authority given to them by federal law. Who would dare criticize the Mayor’s moral stance in this politically correct era? Well, me for one and another 80% of the local population, including I might add, a majority of his colleagues on the council.

It has to be said, Mayor Joe is the wrong man for the job. He’s a not leader. He’s a talker. He’s a ham n’egger. He’s an office clerk cum politician who’s in over-his-head.  He’s an anachronism, a throwback to an era when the bad guy was the government. Now decades later Joe O’Brien is the government yet he doesn't understand he has a responsibility to all of the citizens of Worcester. Instead he ignores the will of the majority, focusing his efforts on appeasing niche groups. A formula that always leads to failure.

So after 5 months in office he’s bogged down on non-agenda annoying issues, but still showboating on the local media circuit pushing The Agenda. During the campaign he said The Agenda was all ready to go. Put him in office and he'd hit the ground running. But little did we realize, he'd be running in the wrong direction.

Now he has issues with the City Council - overwhelmed by the pettiness and arrogance of his council colleagues, by the municipal bureaucrats, and his union sycophants. He's got problems. He’s become divisive. He’s become an issue.

To be continued…