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Life, it’s what you make of it, and making a life in Worcester is …

The Wusta City Council had themselves a hoe down in West Boylston a few months ago. They put on a group hug session to sooth their bruised egos and clear the air. They could of just as well had a few brews and grilled cheese sandwiches at the Red Baron and achieved the same end. An impasse.

Seems all that dissing going down in the venerable council chambers is taking a toll. I say, give em pugel sticks. Last man or woman standing is mayor and may the best councilor win. Maybe take it outdoors gladiatorial style in that fancy new skating rink behind City Hall - that no one will ever use. Just like the good ole days in the Roman Coliseum with the public screaming for blood. I can see it now, Toomey the Terrible with a forked spear on the throat of Lukes the Albanian. Thumbs down? Sure, definitely, why not? We sure as heck could use some cheap new entertainment venues downtown eh?

Meanwhile, back on the farm. I, a taxpayer, voter, and the proverbial life of the party, wasn't invited and neither were you. Considering we footed the bill, we should of at least had dibs on the leftovers. Hey - no big deal. I wouldn't have gone anyway. I got more important things to do like work for a living to pay for that whopping property tax increase. Ya know. Some ole guy in the neighborhood, with more house and more land, got his cut. Go figure! I think someone at the Assessors Office fudged on the keyboard when no one was looking. Friends in high places? He brags a lot about "connections at City Hall." But that’s for another post.

After the hoedown I read somewhere on the local blogosphere that CC Toomey expressed an interest in using local bloggers to get the issues out in front of the public and ole Libertarian Lukes whined (as she’s wont to do) how uninformed bloggers are; best left to professionals. Ha! There's a reason we're ignorant, namely because the Council rarely let's the voters know what they're thinking - it's all done behind closed doors. If we we knew what went on behind them doors, then we'd understand. Maybe it's better to be ignorant and leave it up to the T&G to do the trash-talking in this town.

So she thinks it's best left to professional journalists. Say what? Huh? We got journalists in Wusta? Me thinks she otta qualify that statement... by those who work for the T&G and WOMAG, who willingly manipulate issues to stay on the good side of the council. When was the last time you read something juicy about a councilor? Do we have a right to know what questionable endeavors they're involved in - if any? Why isn't the T&G's Sutner digging for dirt. What? Wusta has no tales to tell? So, I suspect Lukes is referring to Nick K. and that crusty old relic Nemeth from the T&G (who I thought lie embalmed in the basement of the Worcester Historical Museum) and Scott Zoback from WOMAG. Come on, do you actually believe those guys are impartial? Corporate drones, all of em! Who needs them when we got local bloggers.

Stayed tuned for more of the adventures of Will in Worcester Wonderland!