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GoLocalWorcester: Bill Randell Embarrases Himself Again

Bill Randell gets it all wrong. Again.

Why fly JetBlue out of Worcester at all, destinations are limited, just Florida. Florida isn't everyone's idea of a vacation. Its wall-to-wall old people. Like Bill.

According to Bill Randell it's really about parking costs that make or break a trip, in his GLW post Bill does the math. Not his  his strong point.

Ask yourself, why park at all? Use a taxi or a shuttle bus. Impose on family, a friend, or a neighbor. Or call Bill for a ride.

As for marketing, well, loyalty programs aren't what they promise - too restrictive. And who's gonna fly 6 times over ORH to Florida? Or anywhere.  

Really wanna market ORH? Bill Randell says, do like JetBlue does at JFK, bring in some singer. How about a mariachi band at ORH's main hall. Free tequila shots etc. 

But the best bet to boost ORH is to give ticket holding passengers free drinks. Booze draws em like flies. Bill knows that, his day job is CEO of a package store.  

Lastly. Typical Bill Randell, check out his grammar. He's a Boston College grad folks.

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