Cohan: This just leaves me with two questions: Why didn’t Ms. Long and Mr. Joseph consider locating in Worcester? And how would Worcester need to change to make such entrepreneurs decide to locate here?
Need to change? Go back in time and start all over again.
Cohan did sit again. Another example of Worcester losing out, not because of an alleged crushing tax burden, but the inherent small-mindedness in Worcester's thinking. It goes way back.
Since Worcester has no high-tech infrastructure to speak of, there's no reason to look at Worcester as a base. The reality is, it will never become a high-tech haven. It missed the boat long ago. But Worcester is big in biotech! Sure is - no doubt about it. Keyword biotech, not high-tech. Different animals.
Because Worcester's politician's always lacked foresight; they'd rather push around pipsqueak businesses and play petty politics among themselves. Don't get us wrong, the city council is doing something - it's working at attracting a casino. Yup, a casino! Happy days are here again, the skies are blue and clear again...
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