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Mauro DePasquale finally got an award after 30 years at the helm of WCCA - the prestigious Chuck Sherwood Leadership Award. That is, according to Tracy Foley (his wife) of WCCA in a press release. But something's amiss.
WTF is the Chuck Sherwood Leadership Award?
An online search turns up a whole lotta not-so-previous recipients, but nothing about its significance. Seems anyone can get it. Just pay the application fee.
Do ya think Tracy Foley of WCCA is putting us on? Wouldn’t be the first time, she's got a history of spreading BS and making up stories. Like this one. All in the name of ... what exactly?
To be on the safe side, checked the the outfit Tracy Foley referenced, the Alliance of Community Media - it doesn't exist. Now that's really strange. Good ole Tracy, what a kidder eh.
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