Wonder what does Mary S(ocialist) Keefe offer the electorate? Not much. Just tax increases. Guess that's what socialists do. Got the feeling politicians and wanna-be's think we're all flush with cash.
Looking at the list of campaign contributors at the OCPF, reads like a who's who of local socialists.
Surprisingly only one local politician put her money where her mouth is – Sarai Rivera, forked out a hefty $50.
Wanna-be polits Arthur Ellis kicked in $100, D1 loser Virginia Ryan $75. Funny she's been pouring thousands ($10k already this year) into her campaign chest. Councilor Joe "Socialist" O’Brien was only willing to give lip service to Keefe's campaign. Whata a guy huh?
So, just one councilor stepped up. Um... what about that council camaraderie thing? Just show? Does that mean the others put their money on Councilor Kate, as in Toomey. Surprisingly - no one kicked in. Maybe they don't want to see her go Boston.
Wustas’ Communist duo, Gwendolyn and Gordon Davis, contributed a hefty $20. Worc. Publishing owner, Alan Fletcher kicked in $250 (gave Toomey only $200). Ronal Madnick helped out. Ex-Worcester Common Ground director, Stephen Patton, $100. Maybe if he was a bit more generous with CG funds. In total Keefe managed to finagle $13,525 from the locals.
Specifically, individuals contributed just $12,625; PAC’s $750 (United Assoc. of Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 4 PAC and Carpenters Local 107 PAC); CTE’s $150 (Rivera and Ellis). Keep in mind this data is only contributors with a Wusta address.
So, the only socialist missing is bloggerette Nicole Apostola. She recently made a fool of herself arguing on her blog that Wusta is under siege from Republican zombies. Jeepers, what is she smoking.
For the record folks, Clara Savage, wife of the demonized poll worker Jim "Evil Republican" Savage, contributed $200 to Keefe.Whataguy!
We’re happy to announce, neither Keefe or O’Malley advertised in InCity Times. In fact none of the 15th candidates did. Wonder why? Sumptin about a curse maybe?
Welcome to Wusta!