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Worcester's Shakers & Movers, or How Deep Are Their Pockets?

A couple weeks ago we took a look at Worcester's 2012 financial contributions. We're going backwards in time and looking at 2011, the year the city council went to the dark side. Did money play a role?

Now we're taking a stab at analyzing the political donations data from 2011 – the $563k the locals wasted on politicians. The info was purloined from the records of The Office of Campaign & Political Finance (OCPF). Keep in mind the data is on Worcester based persons and non-persons (PAC's, unions etc.).

So who are the shakers & movers among us? How did the PACs and CTEs spend their money? One observation we made, how little money the PACs and unions actually spent but seemingly wield great influence. Votes come not only from money, but endorsements. Be it politicians, unions or newspapers - it counts. One exception of course is the cursed Rosalie Tirella of InCity Times, whose endorsements have ended many a political career.

So do those dreaded PACs and unions really buy elections? Considering PACs spent $38k and unions $12k in 2011, they left their mark on the elections - buying a handful of councilors at fire sale prices. But its not just PACs and unions who want a piece off a politician. The locals spent $493k on politicians and PACs.

So let's start with contributors. Which locals (persons and non-persons) contributed the most money in 2011. For example, the top 10 contributed $133k or 23% of all contributions. The top 20 contributed $168k or 30% of all contributions. How about this: of the 1,816 contributors, 99 contributors accounted for 50% or $282k.   

D'Amico,  Gerald
Ryan, V. (Candidate Loan)
Council candidate   
Russell,  G. (Candidate Loan)
Council candidate   
CTE Tim Murray
Committee to Elect
Foley,  Thomas
Gov Council (Ex-State Cop)
Carroll,  Francis
CEO, Small Business Service Bureau
Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 4 PAC 
Madnick,  Ronal
Former director Worcester ACLU
O'Neil & Associates
Worcester Fitchburg Building Trade Council

In upcoming posts we'll address such areas as:  PAC donations - how much and who got the money? Which Committees to Elect (CTE) donated and who got the most money? Which unions donated and who got the most money? Which individuals donated and who got the most money? Which politicians, state and local, got the most money from the locals? What were the occupations of the top donators and where do they work?

Plenty of info coming your way.