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Worcester Democratic City Committee - Smell the Money

What happens to a Worcester city councilor who's kicked outta office by a whopping 2:1 margin.

No incumbent city councilor has lost that bad in more than 20 years; a humiliating ending.

Enter stage left - Barbara Haller. Imagine, 10 years and nothing to show for it but a  disgruntled electorate.

Enter stage right,  Worcester's Democratic City Committee, loves money and its more than willing to dish out awards. For a price of course.

WDCC smelled the $6,000 Haller had leftover in her campaign chest, so they devised a way to get their fingers on it - offer the ole girl an award - the John F. Kennedy Democrat of the Year Award (Democrat? more like despot) and make her pay for it. And of course she went for it. Who can resist it, Babs knows a good deal when see sees it. Considering the 10 years in office and not one word of praise from the voters. What was there to praise, she left behind a path of social and economic ruin - heck of a legacy. Lots of that going on around Wusta.

Too bad for Rosalie Tirella, no more Barbara Haller means no more ad revenue. Well at least Rosie's got a new contributor. Oh, would someone please tell Babs she's as bad a writer as Rosie.

In any case, think good thoughts. 

And welcome to Wusta!