So who were the big spenders:
Virginia Ryan $10,114 to her election committee. Um… retired teachers got money eh?
IBEW LOCAL 2325 COPE (Central Massachusetts Telephone Workers) $2,900, Rushton and Joe O’Brien got $500 each.
Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 4 PAC $1,750, Coakley and Early got $500 each.
Citizen's Committee to Elect Tim Murray $1,450 to the Democratic State Committee for services to be rendered.
Committee to Elect James J. O'Day $1,375 to the Democratic State Committee. Ditto.
Who were the tightwads:
Leo Quinn $20 to Joe Petty
John Mcauliffe $15 to Tim MurraySimon Simone $15 to Tim Murray
Margret Burns $10 to Tim Murray
Patricia Gibbons $10 to Tim Murray
Seems the little people (all retirees) have a thing for Murray.
What politicians got the most money outta the locals:
Tim Murray $17,481
Joe Early $11,515
Virginia Ryan $10,014 (from V. Ryan to her campaign)
Joe Petty $6,255
Steve Abraham $5,255
Who got the least money:
Mike Morrisey (DA, Norfolk District) $150
David Sullivan (DA, Northwestern District) $100
Tom Menino (Mayor of Boston) $100
Dennis McManus (Clerk of Courts, Worcester County) $100
Green Rainbow Party $60
Source: OCPF Campaign Finance Database & Electronic Filing System