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No improvement in ICT's stats as of late. Maybe Rosie's carpel-tunnel flared up after months of manipulating them.Geez... what some loonies will do.

Since we mentioned it some weeks ago, Rosie finally updated the contributors list after 3 years - now down to 5. Was 9. Even the new ones ain't contributing regularly. Monfredo is gone and Hoffman is MIA. It's just Maher and Rosie.

Did you notice that photos are getting larger by the issue and more frequent and Rosie's poorly written uninteresting articles dominate each issue. And she recruited disgraced ex-councilor Barbara Haller to fill the gaps - those articles are worse than Rosie's crap. Something worth noting folks: over a year ago text made up over 50% of an issue, now it's about a third. Um... not a rosy outlook folks. 

Visitors are dropping, down to 375 in June, and circulation is down too - the bins are at the lowest levels ever and advertisers are jumping ship. So Rosie dropped ad prices, offering deep discounts to keep them onboard. An 1/8th can be had for under $50 for 3 months! Also noticed that she's been landing more ads from non-profits. They'll smarten up when they realize ICT has no audience. But do NPOs care? Ask WCCA.

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