or beggars can't be choosers. Or riffraff begone.
It doesn't take much smarts to know that once the Nationals are booted from Wusta, businesses will kiss the millions of revenue goodbye. And mark my words, they'll whine like crazy and point fingers. Well deserved too. So a hat tip to the city council - nice going. You're all a credit to your, um... whatever.
At the same time the city manager wants to revive Destination Worcester with $200k of your tax dollars to promote tourism: sell Worcester to meeting and convention planners, and to event and sports organizers. So throw out the old (the Nationals) and bring in the new. What new? There's nothing in the pipeline. Hmm... it's not like event promoters are beating a path to Wusta. Are they?
Yup, gotta love councilors Bill Eddy and Konnie Lukes: raising questions...to the city's overall economic development goals and the negative impact they feel it is having on some downtown businesses. Negative impact? Since when is drawing crowds with pockets full of cash to downtown (whats left of it) a negative impact? Um... pretty disingenuous. Oh, and the "some downtown businesses", like all 3 of em, are ticked off. Guess they got sumptin against mullet-headed riffraff? Someone call the ACLU. Hey Ron, we got an issue at city hall.
So what's plan B then? Ain't one. But let's ask Mr. Economics himself, Councilor Rick "I have a history degree" Rushton. What's your take on this councilor Rick? I say, more food truck festivals. But councilor, a certain constituency was pretty unhappy, claiming they lost money because of it. So who's to blame councilor, you arranged it right, so you have to take the blame? Me, no freaking way pal. Blame the people of Wusta for attending it. I'm just doin my job.
So, no Nationals, no money pumped into the economy. No fat profits for the little guy. No annual family vacation in Disney Land. The little guy goes under. Beth Proko screams foul and demands a tax reduction to compensate then trots out Roberta Schaefer: Wusta needs a 5 year plan... 5 year plan... 5 year plan... Opps, record's broke.
Fact is, Wusta doesn't have any options - beggars can't be choosers. Not that anyone should think I'm just aimlessly criticizing. I do have an idea: a national panhandlers convention.
Welcome to Wusta!