Recalling her early days at WOMAG, how she whined about not getting a chance to go bigtime, convinced she had the stuff to become, drumroll please… a real journalist. Here we are decades later and still he hasn’t made the bigtime. Rather sunk to the deepest darkest bowels of journalistic ignominy. Quite an achievement in rinkydink Wusta. How ironic.
Thwarted at her ambition by an egomaniacal boss, the story she tells, when in fact she was terminated for incompetence - can't write. So Rosalie Tirella set out on her own. First, lots of short-term jobs, a resume to the T&G, The Globe, The Real Paper (not knowing it was defunct), The Phoenix etc. - all rejected. Out of desperation she started the insipid InCity Times as a venue to showcase her journalistic talents.
Think for a sec. Ever read an InCity Times front to back? Doubt it, cause there's nothing to read. Ever notice that Incity Times is filled with over-sized pictures, XL fonts and full page ads, even ads exploiting women’s bodies. Geepers, in InCity Times of all places. God knows what she’ll resort to when circulation drops further.
So where’s the intellectual content in InCity Times? Well, there’s little of interest for those seeking such stimulation. Even the homespun articles are few and far between nowadays and those that do appear have little insight into local issues, just dimwitted locals thinking their issues will get resolved if they appear in InCity Times. For the record, they don't. Except for Lukes, no one at City Hall reads it. Or it's just greyhounds and vegan stuff. Even the list of contributors has dwindled, most haven’t submitted anything in years. More about that in another post.
We’ve already addressed Tirella’s lack of credibility – the lying, the libel, the plagiarism and schizoid behavior. But what about Rosie’s writing ability? Fact is, someone who calls herself a tabloid publisher should at least have some writing skill. We postulate that Rosalie Tirella is devoid of any writing ability.
To think that Rosalie Tirella believes Wusta is interested in the minutiae of her pathetic personal life, or her dubious professional life. Yes, her antics have entertainment value, like watching a car go over a cliff.
Today’s post is not about psychoanalyzing Pink Gloves, Mommyland or such drivel, rather analyzing Rosalie Tirella’s writing ability - transform thoughts into a coherent and articulate essay worthy of your time and delivering advertisers the promised exposure.
To be continued.