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Harriet Chandler and Useless Legislation - Again

So why push legislation that's anti-job creation in the two largest metropoli in the state that needs jobs? Two areas totaling 116,786 unemployed or 48% of all unemployed in MA.

Let's see, the unemployment rate is 7.6% in Worcester & County, 23k unemployed, or 10% of the state's total unemployed. Boston's at 6.0%, 94k unemployed, or 38% of the state's total unemployed.

Thanks to Harriet Chandler those 117k people have no chance of getting a job because she decided that the residents of Worcester and Boston are not worth her patronage. Go figure. The economics of that decision are staggering - lost jobs, lost tax revenues, more state unemployment payments, increased welfare etc... who's gonna protect us from politicians like Chandler?

For the 75 year old Harriet Chandler to push legislation that effectively keeps casinos out of Boston and Worcester is tantamount to economic sabotage and in fact was illogical because Boston and Worcester were never really in the running for a casino. Not to mention the timing of such legislation (during a recession) and the fact that out-of-state casinos have already siphoned off the populous' cash years ago, and outlived their usefulness as a revenue source for the states who have them, clearly leaves one wondering, what the heck is Harriet Chandler thinking? Can she clearly think at her age? Apparently not.

Oughta be a law to keep old people out of politics.