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Welcome to Webstats 101. Today's Lesson... Local Online Media

Hi boys and girls, welcome to Wonderland. Today’s lesson is called, What in world are they doing?

Today we want to do a little bit of math. Actually it's statistics. Oh don’t worry, there’s no thinking involved - just clicking. 

Okay fun aside. So what’s up with Womag. They're at a critical juncture. With all the personnel changes, the stories are getting really weird. Quality (if it ever was there) has, relatively speaking, sunk to a new low. The term journalism and Womag are mutually exclusive. But if ya wanna buy a car, Womag is the place to go. BTW, car ads at Womag are defined as human interest stories. Not kidding. What the heck are they smoking?

So how's it looking for Womag – statistically speaking?  Um… not good. Even with Daily Worcesteria being incorporated, visitor stats are dropping to new lows. Wonder what they promised their advertisers for reach? reports as of August, Womag garnered a whopping 4,912 unique visitors - down 37.8% YoY. Not good, but a lot better than InCity Times, who amassed a mind boggling 233 unique visitors as of June. Notice that ICT's no longer on their radar. Hey, thought trash talk sold in this here town? Maybe Rosalie "Trash Mouth" Tirella should put the boob ads online.

And this quarter, for the 1st time we're reporting, home of trash talkers Jordan Levy and Jim Politio - Worcester's version of Dumb & Dummer - down an incredible 44% YoY - just 2,865 visitors - betcha it was all Levy wannabe Q.

Anyho... what’s wrong with this town? Why ain’t folks flocking to local news sources? Answer, they are. Folks are flocking to the T&G (225,992 unique visitors as of August, down YoY at 27.1%). Guess that proves trash does sells. Actually, its my favorite. A day without the T&G, is a day without the T&G. Anyone get that?  

So better luck next quarter Womag. Hopefully with the students back, they’ll boost the stats. Sorta doubt it though. And no gaming the stats guys. 

If ya wanna check the stats at, click on the following links: wtag. com,,, - see for yourself. 

Welcome to Wusta!