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Blogging Fool Award - Q, aka Stephen P. Quist

The election season caterwauling has gone unnoticed among the voters of Worcester, none the less, one man is still howling his lame tirades in the hope that someone - anyone, will pay attention. 

The yowling, targeting Councilor Konnie Lukes, accusing her of tax improprieties, and our affable Mayor, Joseph O’Brien, for his lack of integrity and his retro-socialist politics, has taken on a comic tone.

There’s not a blog in Worcester where Stephen P. Quist has not been accused of illiteracy and imbecility. He's the one local who sees himself as The Defender of truth, justice and the American way.

Mr. Quist, or Q, as he prefers, is the epitome of the wannabe intellectual. A janitor who aspires to be more than his station in life permits and more than his intellectual capabilities allow. A man whose reputation as a self-proclaimed pundit makes him the target of derision and ridicule, attracting the attention of Wonderland’s BFAC (Blogging Fool Award Committee).

The incomprehensible on the 51 year old Stephen P. Quist, aka Q, who relishes his self-appointed title of chief pundit and ideologue of Worcester’s blogging underbelly, is that he truly believes he is an intellectual. Such as that may be, a man who holds himself in such high regard, his lowbrow intellect is the epitome of pettiness. The world according to Q. Good blog title BTW.

Although Mr. Quist has spent years cultivating his media persona wherever he can, he prefers posting his dimwitticisims on Worcester Magazine. Yes, leave it to Worcester Magazine to identify itself with local riffraff like Q, giving him a forum for his ludicrous punditries plagued with grammatical errors and unintelligible metaphors. Perhaps that’s why Mr. Quist is so misunderstood? Surprisingly Mr. Quist has never dared to dispense his pseudo-intellectual insights on a personal blog, preferring to leech off the notoriety of others.

As is typical or Worcester’s geriatric bloggers, Mr. Quist identifies himself with local trash-talk show personality (or as the committee prefers, Lord of the Flies) Jordan Levy (failed businessman & politician with a pronounced tendency to over-embellish his resume), who disseminates a myopic ideology to a geriatric audience incapable of discerning fact from his fiction.

In Mr. Quist’s quest to establish himself as a local pundit, he took-up residence on the now defunct Levy/WTAG blog, making a nuisance of himself with the sycophants, ingratiating himself in the most obsequious ways with Mr. Levy – going so far as to publicly call Mr. Levy an intellectual (and not surprisingly, himself too), and anoint himself Mr. Levy’s chief apostle.

Do those two have anything in common - Worcester's odd couple? Well yes. Messrs Levy and Quist do have a common male attribute typical of their generation - misogynism. Small minded men intimidated by women, especially women of greater public stature and intellect, as in the case of Councilor Konnie Lukes; their old school machismo threaten by a woman with more intellect in her proverbial pinkie than their entire wrenched bodies. Woe those men of meager character.

So Stephen Quist of Worcester, here’s to you, for being this week’s Blogging Fool and for proving that a bigmouth doesn’t necessarily mean something intelligent comes out of it.