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What Happened to Gabe?

The T&G posted the names of the candidates for this year's City Council. Missing from the candidates was former local blogger Gabe Rollins. Wonder what's gonna happen to the campaign money he collected? I hope he gives it back.

Call me rude. So it looks like Nicole Apostola failed in her mission to bring democracy to  Wusta by gathering signatures for select  potential candidates. A farce if ever there was one and for which she was castigated. Playing politics and feigning impartiality. Geez, how dumb does she think folks are. Can't be impartial in the world of politics. But hey, Nicole lives on another planet.

Here's some advice locals. Wanna get involved in politics and at least give the semblance of impartiality, then register voters instead of candidates and start in District 4. BTW where's Haller on this? Too busy raising chickens.

And why ain't Mayor Joe out there banging the drum on this. Why should he? He don't need no stinkin minority vote, he's got the unions'.

Another related story in the T&G, is that City Clerk Rushford (the guy who pockets city revenues for performing marriages in addition to the $135k salary. The greed of city employees is incomprehensible) dropped 45% of registered voters cause they didn't return notices. I got one. Didn't send it back. But I'm still "active". For others, in order to get back on the roll again one has to prove their whereabouts since the last election. How about none of your freaking business Mr. City Clerk.

Since when has the City Clerk's office become the enforcement arm of Homeland Security. Somebody wanna call the ACLU please. Forget it, Madnick's gone. So why ain't InCity Times on this?