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WOMAG's Webstats - Can it get any Worse?

Interesting stuff over at Quantcast for Worcester Magazine fans.

Traffic according to QC, is picking up - they've reached a whopping 2.4k visitors in January after months of flatlining.

For those of you who recall our previous posts about Worcester Magazine's stats, QC's info contradicts the data from another source we used - (higher traffic numbers). But keep in mind Quantcast  is Worcester Magazine's chosen (something they pay for) web analytics provider, so they're pretty accurate.

Hey Worcester Magazine, you guys looking at this stuff? Freaking scary eh? Wanna comment - tell us if what we're seeing here is true.

I wonder how the paper edition is doing? Still see stacks of em all over the place. Ya know what's funny,  nowadays there ain't any difference between Worcester Magazine and the T&G's weekly coupon flyers that clog your mailbox. Has Worcester Magazine reached junk status?

Oh, and before Rosalie Tirella jumps on this for propagandistic purposes, I suggest she pull up InCity Times stats at QC. Opps! Ain't any. Maybe cause the stuff she publishes has gotten really freaking old. How many boring Bill Coleman, John Monfreda or animal rights articles can one digest without regurgitating.

Wusta's media empire, don't ya love it?