We’ve been looking at webstats for local media companies. This week we thought it would be interesting to peek at WOMAG’s stats.
For some unknown reason we had the impression that Worcester Magazine had a sizable web presence i.e., lots of traffic. The reality is, there ain’t a whole lot going on over there. Interesting is that their web-analytics service Quantcast, is blocked from public access. Wonder why? There are other ways of getting the stuff: Alexa, Compete, Google Trends & Analytics, StatBrain etc.
What else is there? The average visitor profile is interesting. Alexa states, the 18-24 crowd is greatly over-represented, predominantly single educated females with no kids. Translation: lots of college chicks checking out those Worcester Magazine personals for that proverbial one-nighter or maybe just looking for Mr. Right. In Wusta - ya right.
So is Worcester Magazine really the hot item they portray themselves? No, of course not. The locals find the T&G hotter - they're into the obits and court records. What Worcester Magazine doesn't get is that the locals don't want local heroes, they want dirt on their neighbors and the biddies (avg. T&G user is +65 female) are fixated on the obits.
Not your every day newspaper. That's for sure!