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What I Learned from Blogs this Week

It was inevitable that Jim McElhiney's Love Child wouldn’t make it out of infancy. Why? Well, to begin with, the premise was naive - to provide a forum for saner voices, to counteract the prevalent nastiness on the T&G. So, after four months and 20 odd posts, it was time to pull the plug. Jim's sole poster, Steven P. Quist, aka Q (a local dimwit who wants to be known by a James Bond-esque moniker) was recently banned for constantly violating Jim’s sacred tenet - no name calling. So no Q, no posts, no blog. Unless Jim himself posts. It's his blog after all.

And Jim's annoying pleadings for folks to forgo their innate pettiness and begin an era of kumbayaesque dialog was sorta dumb to begin with - doomed to failure. The fact is, folks prefer the T&G because that’s where the news is. And thankfully no Q. 

Elmparkblogger. Is the end near?
And then there’s the other Jim, James May aka JPM01609 - Nicole’s overeager lapdog.

Jim's enthusiasm for all things Wusta quickly manifested itself and just as quickly waned. Too bad - it was entertaining. So it looks like ole Jim ain't gonna get the chance to create a legacy like some of our senior bloggers - Paulie “The Legacy” Collyer, renown for his um... whatever.

Maybe not? In fact James May had the audacity to call out a new era of citizen involvement in government. Takes balls to say that around here, so that just may assure him a place in local history. So is it RIP for the Elm Park Blogger? 

Nicole, Worcester - You go girl, but easy on the BS
Now folks, it’s no exaggeration when we say things are rather gloomy in Wusta - economically, politically, and blogingly. Well, except perhaps for Nicole Aspostola’s ongoing blogging frolics. 

We never miss a step. A recent comment by Sprout on Nicole’s blog caught our attention. She asked Nicole: are you running? Running, as in public office. Humble Nicole Apostola declined. Stating mitigating circumstances prevent her from pursuing a public life, however she’s more than willing to support Sprout achieve her career goal (as official City Decorator). Now that’s precious!

Although we have little confidence in our elected officials, whose record of consistent failure is for all to see, being that our Councilors (now that’s a contradiction if ever there was one) don’t have the political courage to feign off the demands of some 3,000 whiny union voters and do what’s necessary to keep the Good Ship Lollipop from keeling.

So it’s no understatement that Sprout’s naiveté is typical of the average local's ignorance in supposing a bloggerette with an overactive thyroid, without relevant experience (okay, she’s on the Hope Cemetery thing) could possibly be a legitimate candidate for any elected office. But stranger things have happened here eh? It’s that naiveté that put us in this predicament in the first place. No wonder this city is fucked up. 

Folks, we’re beginning to have serious doubts about the state of Wusta’s bloggosphere. The voices are vapid.