For you locals who got an itch to scratch this site will enlighten you on the workings of the HC student mind. Or the lack of.
"With the exception of marijuana and a little cocaine... students prefer to drink, rather than smoke, their problems away."
Here's an excerpt from the category, Campus Strictness: Off campus, the Worcester Police Department is responsible for patrolling, which they do inconsistently. A loud and obnoxious party might be ignored one night, but the next night, a small and quiet gathering might be raided. The police have been known to arrest students on charges of disturbing the peace or possessing an open container outdoors. Mass arrests have also occurred—the police show up and arrest all attendees at a party. This has resulted in not only a less-boisterous party scene but also strained relations between the city and the College.
Interesting perspective. Seems to me the locals would beg to differ.