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All right, Mrs. Lukes, I'm ready for my close-up

I’ve been thinking about the Crowd Sourcing idea that Councilor Konnie raised a while ago. No one's writing about it. Me thinks the City Council tabled it? Like permanently. Frickin stupid Wusta politics eh?

It started off with Bloggerette Nicole Apostola all over it. Sounded like she knew what she was talking about. Way cool, I thought.

If there’s an Internet contrivance that might bridge the communications gap between City Hall and the electorate, quite possibly its a Social Media gizmo like Crowdsourcing. In the right hands and proper policies, it could generate previously unheard of transparency in our city government! A scary thought eh? For the Councilors in particular.

I was really hoping that Nicole would move forward on the idea. Recruit the locals, tie in with WPI, draw up a white paper etc. She took it upon herself to represent the citizenry and pitched it to the City Council and now, almost two months later not a peep outta her. So I guess it was typical Nicole blather.

Why did she drop the ball? Schedule’s overbooked? Job? Family? Actually it’s her addiction. You see Nicky’s addicted to the spotlight. She wants to be the center of attention. She lip-services issues, promulgates activism, but never ever follows thru; then she's off in search of another spotlight. Worcester being Worcester, it’s sorta expected that things never get off the ground.

I got a heads-up that Nicole was on WCCA, appearing in a Coffee with Konnie episode. Wow, klatching with Madame Ex-Mayor. What I wouldn’t do to be in her presence. Second thought, fagitit. I'd rather endure a Rushton filibuster.

WCCA? That sounds boring. I’ve watched a few WCCA programs over the years, finding the offerings obscure and obtuse and self-indulgent nonsense - a waste of taxpayers’ money. If there was an Oscar for boring they’d get it hands down.

So Nicole’s on Koffee with Konnie eh? Gee gotta admit ole Nicole sure does get around. If the mother of two ain’t barhopping or carousing online during work hours, expounding on stuff she obviously knows nothing about, she’s schmoozing with the political elite. Whata gal! Hey, ya think she knows she’s got children at home? Maybe I oughta call Social Services.

To be continued...